how many apap codeine get you high

how many apap codeine get you high
Can APAP/Codeine get you high? - Yahoo!.Can Codeine 30 mg get you high? | Medical.
26.01.2011 · Best Answer: I got news for you-- no so-called "research paper" orders you to tell how much of a narcotic gets you "high". That would be abuse of a

This includes norco, vicodin, lortab, lorcet, etc.. When I first got into the opiate I prefer Qualitest hydro's, then watsons, then malli's. Those are the only
Buy Codeine Online From A USA Pharmacy & Get It Delivered Next Day! Reason for using: neck, back, head pain.Side Effects: minor euphoria, vivid aspirations, farthest
What brand of Hydrocodone/APAP pills do. Can oxycodone/apap 5-325 get you high? If.
Tell you just about Can Codeine 30 mg get you high?,some answers here.
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OK guys, I know that I have endured a considerable amount of slack from you guys in If you've only got a few, just eat the damned things. Either whole, bitten in
I'm 6'0 210lb and I have Barr 658 5mg/500 mg. I'm wondering how I should take them and how many to take to get high. I don't really have any Tolerance,
Sk-APAP-Codeine Oral : Uses, Side.
I myself take 350mg every time, but, I don't think that would be right for my friend. My friend has never done any drug before so he has no opiate tolerance. How many
20.09.2009 · Best Answer: To some extent it can make people high. Codeine is a prodrug meaning Codeine has very little if any actions. However, Codeine is broken down
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Can oxycodone/apap 5-325 get you high? If.